We spent Saturday night, September 20, at Grant's Farm at the American Brain Tumor Foundation's Fall Festival. Our good friend Jennifer Gutierrez is on the committee and is a brain tumor/cancer survivor (yay for Jenn!). Ben and Adam had never been to Grant's Farm before, and I hadn't been since I was a young kid. We had a great time. When we arrived, we parked and took the tram through the park to the main area, and we got to see all sorts of animals along the way - lots of different varieties of deer, cattle, sheep, fowl, donkeys, zebras. Once we were inside the park Ben and Adam fed the baby goats bottles of milk. I chose to be the official cameraperson at the point having done that as a child and remembering how mean and nasty those little goats are. I still remember them trying to eat my little brother's shirt and then ramming into everyone with their little horns. Nasty little creatures! After the goats feasted a bit, we ambled through the park on our way to the festival area. We saw kangaroos, guinea pigs, chickens, parrots, cockatoos, opossums, elephants and all sorts of water fowl including pink flamingos! Once we were in the festival area there was a live band, a silent auction, raffles, games and lots of food. We had a great time and lasted until about 9:30 when we took the tram back to the car and headed home. Congratulations to Jennifer and the whole committee on a great night!
On the tram on our way into the park:

Ben feeding the goats:

Adam was quite popular with the goats:

Ben with a new friend:

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